Old Kano - From Farm Animals to Organic Farming
One thing I like about National Geographic and Discovery Channel is their highly informative exploration in almost all aspects of human lives and the environment. But still, they could not tell it all as this world alone is too big for a show as theirs. Hope with this site of mine, I was able to relay some of the not so famous places I visited. Thus, in my own way I could pay tribute as well to some pioneers in their own fields.
At this point, allow me to uncover an organic farm in Silang, Cavite Philippines (near Tagaytay City) named, “Old Kano.”
Google map link: hhttp://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=SILANG+CAVITE+PHILIPPINES&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=25.565517,56.513672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Silang,+CALABARZON,+Philippines&t=h&z=11
The word “Kano” is a colloquial term for American. I would like to show some of the pictures I’ve taken before I proceed…
Allow me to tell you the story. Old Kano farm has a total lot area of 12,747 square meters along the province of Silang Cavite Philippines. The couple Mrs. Julieta and the late Mr. Fred Ammann owned this farm.
The couple actually started in Caloocan City (Metro Manila) where their actual business is selling of rabbits, turkey and other farm animals to some restaurant businesses in Manila. If I were not mistaken, the couple acquired the farm lot to expand their business they started in Caloocan. By that time, the Old Kano farm was not yet as known today. As days goes by, Fred Ammann started to sow some plot of “Dill” (exotic herbs) out of plain hobby. As this farm is along the way to the famous tourist destination Taal volcano view at Tagaytay City, an unexpected visitor one day came and he simply could not ignore the bed of “Dill.” He is Mr. Werner Berger. He bought some and asked how many he could grow. Mr. Berger came back but this time he brought with him the head chef then of Manila Peninsula, Mr. Alfred Moser. The man did not just order 30 kgs of dill every week but ask what else he grow. Mr. Fred handed a seed catalog to Chef Moser. The rest is history.
Out of a Mr. Fred’s plain hobby turned into a chance of a life time. Although not that big as what others have made, Mr. Fred sow more that a seed of dill but a legacy of practical organic farming in the Philippines that could sprout into more bigger and high modern organic farms in this land.
Now, Old Kano farm has abandoned farm animal selling and only produces a lot of salad crops, edible flowers and some exotic vegetables produced exclusively at the farm. They supply to many hotels and restaurants mostly in Metro Manila.
Old Kano was the pioneer on organic farming. Some of their offer are as follows: green ice, romain, lolo rosa, red lettuces, tatsoi, mizuna, cucumber, new zealand spinach, baby carrots, endive, french beans, kohlrabi, red raddish, cherry tomatoes , turnips tokyo, and stripped egg plants. Among the 18 varieties of herbs they produce are purple basil, sweet basil, cilantro, dill, marjoram, mint, Italian oregano, Italain parsley, arugula, rosemary, sage, sorrel, mexican tarragon, thyme, thai pepper, the habanero pepper, the cayenne. Their also produce tatsoi fine leaves, mizuna fine leaves, rocketa fin leaves, fennel fine leaves, kohlrabi fine leaves, sorrel fine leaves, mesclun leaves mix with lettuce leaves, mustard and radish sprout.
I was able to talk to one of the worker. I admire how they continue what Mr. Fred’s legacy under Mrs. Julieta (Mr. Fred’s wife). I fell in love with this farm though you could see how time has dilapidated many of the facilities. How I wish I could acquire this Old Kano farm to continue the vision of Mr. Fred and elevate it into the next level. I am more than willing to joint venture with an foreign partner with knowledge in farm technology advancement to put up both a farming school and modern farm as what Kim Yong Ki has done to Canaan Farm-School in South Korea without forgetting the vision of Mr. Fred. I know I could improve its façade to make it also friendly for visitors and tourist as it is also done in Thailand and in other known agri farms. Global commodity trading is now pointing to organic so this and other farms is sure winner if given the right investment and improvements.
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